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Generate Form 16B and file Income Tax Returns!!

Form 16B to file Income tax Returns

What is Form 16B?

Criteria and Guidelines for Form 16B

Vital Aspects of Form 16B:

Kindly be aware that the contents of 16B form might exhibit slight variations based on the requirements and guidelines outlined by the Income Tax Department of India.

Due Date for Form 16B:

In India, individuals must consider certain aspects when generating and downloading 16B form:

16B from TDS is an obligatory document, and the deductor is responsible for furnishing it to the respective payee within 15 days from the due date of submitting the challan-cum statement in Form 26QB. Non-issuance of the form attracts penalties, with a daily fine of Rs. 100 imposed for non-compliance.

Steps to Generate and download the Form :

In India, individuals must consider certain aspects when generating and downloading Form 16B:

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