NASSCOM Product Conclave
- 20 Jul, 2018
- Hotel Trident Hyderabad

SumoPayroll likes to showcase at NASSCOM Product Conclave 2018, Hyderabad. Where there will be many participations from the innovator's of the industry. And it will be completely filled with Tech Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Startups, SMEs, VCs and Mentors to learn and grow. From Keynotes to Knowledge from experts, from panel discussions deliberating the concerns in the industry to workshops building capacities of the emerging talent,a promising day for product companies this year at Hyderabad.
The conference also includes:
- Highlight the emerging Tech trends for Business Growth
- Promote and market your innovative products, solutions and services
- Networking Platform for Techpreneurs, Innovative Industry Leaders and young Start-ups
- Inspirational Success stories from Entrepreneurs and CXOs
NASSCOM Product Conclave 2018, Hyderabad product showcase and business connect programs on the side lines are also a crucial part where one can not only pitch to Investors but also share your technology innovation with Mentors, System Integrators, Entrepreneurs, Prospective Customers and Industry Peers.
- Hotel Trident
- Timings: 09:30AM to 04:30PM